All demo reels written, edited, and voiced by DC Smith and do not convey the opinions or values of the companies portrayed. (Soundscape demo comprised of excerpts from my illustrated novel The Tree With Pink Leaves)

The Tree With Pink Leaves: An Illustrated Dark Fantasy

When away from the microphone, my hands are kept busy by a guitar or a pen. Creating art has been a deep passion of mine for as long as I can remember, and writing has always been one of my favorite ways to create.

I wanted this project to come as much from “me” as possible so aside from the text in-between the covers I also hand painted and designed the cover art, collaborated with a traditional ink-dipping artist to build the art inside, and recorded and edited the soundscape scenes you can hear below.

Based on the years spent with my childhood dog, this story follows a nameless man and his dog, Rafa, through treacherous landscapes, mystical forests, and bustling cities to fulfil a lifelong promise. What are they set out to achieve? Tag along on their chilling, yet somber adventure to find out for yourself what could be so important to risk their own fragile lives.

I had the pleasure of stepping on to the stage, metaphorically speaking, with World Cosplay Summit contestant Furano Cosplay with a custom audio soundscape built around their performance.

After some back-and-forth collaboration on working out voices and themes, I created the audio scene, which you can hear below, to be used in their World Championship performance coming in the Fall of 2024

An exciting opportunity to venture into one of my favorite genres of entertainment was presented to me when I was offered to play the role of Mike in the hit indie-horror game “Fears to Fathom"

Based on true experiences, my vocal performance as Mike, along with the accompanied vocal editing and audio FX can be heard across multiple scenes in the chilling game.

Still not tired of my voice yet? You can hear more of me, talking, yelling, laughing, crying, and everything else in between with some of these companies and people below!

Check out a few more soundscapes and some other audio work I’ve created for past clients